Growing up, my mom, my sisters, and I would often dive into the same series of books. Various YA series were a staple in our rotation: the Twilight series, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Artemis Fowl, and the incomparable Harry Potter series. Someone else was always around to share the joy and revelations of a particular series. I'm thrilled to have a book published that I think my sisters will enjoy and that Mom would've loved. Our book club isn't as big as it used to be with Mom gone, but somewhere out there in the Wider World, maybe she's picking up my book with the same excitement of something new to read. Something different. It's a world where time is broken into bits and fits back together in odd-shaped ways, where maybe up north, it's still home. Perhaps it's 2005, and the family book club still has our favorite member. Because the past is the present is the future. For ever.